Client Confirmation
Many thanks for booking a session. ​
All the details you need should be below (but just let me know if you have any questions or queries.
Location - Malcolm Struthers Hypnotherapy, G26, Grierson House, The Crichton, Bankend Road, Dumfries, DG1 4ZE - Google Maps
Online sessions: The Zoom link will be sent directly.
Client form: Please ensure this form is completed before the session.
Payment details:
General Hypnotherapy Sessions
£75 per session, four for £250
Direct Bank Transfer – (Sort code – 40-11-18 / Account number – 55141419) or PayPal -
Stop Smoking Session
£175 one-off payment
Direct Bank Transfer – (Sort code – 40-11-18 / Account number – 55141419) or PayPal -
After the first session I will send a link with access to the members hub with lots of recordings and other tools for you to use in your own time.